Jumaat, 5 Oktober 2018

The whole world's scholars still fail to know the truth of the word الاءسلام

The real meaning of the word الاءسلام which until now still fails to understand by Islamic scholars in the whole world itself:

الله - ا (nature 20 & asma ul husna - 99 @ asma and nature)
- 20 compulsory properties for substances of الله
- 99 names of compulsory properties of the substance of الله.

الله - لا creates the whole of the nature of the syahadah (7 the nature of the syahadah & the 7 samawat + malakut) + الله's governance - (the absolute rights of the substance of الله)
النور - ء : Angels" (truth, kindness, virtue - اله : لله)
سلا - on the heart + mind + charity (on the absolute power of الله 's substance)
م - obedience: obedient (does not apply @ do Shirk against the absolute rights of the substance of الله)

ISLAM (الاءسلام) is one of the things I'ttiqad (اعتقاد: believe in the heart) on the absolute rights of the absolute power of Allah ... "al-Islam (الاءسلام): al-Yahud (اليهود): an -Nasyoro (النصارا): Shia-new: Wahhabi-new ... AND only I'ttiqad (sure heart) "al-Islam" (الاءسلام) only God's favor, because it does not happen @ do not do Shirk (شريك): hijack , preceded, allied and held a match and compare to the absolute rights of the substance of God and NOT make the absolute rights of the substance of God as the right of self, lineage, race, congregation, party.

ISLAM (الاءسلام: divine tree-2 @ tauhid-2 @ i'ttiqad (اعتقاد - sure heart) Uluhiyyah - Ilah (اله): Lillaah (لله) - concerning the absolute power of the substance of Allah that can not be shirk (يشريك) it is obligatory not to be religious (الدين: divine-1 @ tauhid-1 @ tauhid Rububiyyah - Robb (رب) : Ahadun (احد) - concerning the substance of Allah Almighty must exist only one Ahadun which can not be broken (يرتد)
#Ab_Sheikh Rahman H. Yaacob Yunan

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Sabda Nabi saw.. ﻭَﻳْﻞٌ ِﻷُﻣَّﺘِﻲْ ﻣِﻦْ ﻋُﻠَﻤَﺎﺀِ ﺍﻟﺴُّﻮْﺀِ ﻳَِﺘَّﺨِﺬُﻭْﻥَ ﻫَﺬَﺍ ﺍﻟْﻌِﻠْﻢَ ﺗِﺠَﺎﺭَﺓً ﻳَﺒِﻴْﻌُﻮْﻧَﻬَﺎ ﻣِﻦْ ﺃُﻣَﺮَﺍﺀِ ﺯَﻣ...